Other taxes
Taxes on vehicles
Weight tax
Ownership tax
Property tax
Check the local municipality's website to get the most accurate information on property taxes. For example, Tokyo has an English "Guide to Metropolitan Taxes" including property tax here or see their Japanese page.
Depreciable assets
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is assessed on physical sales contracts and receipts. The amount of tax depends on the amount of the transaction. Receipts less than 50,000 yen are exempt. A common way people find out about stamp duty is when buying real estate because stamp duty will be assessed on the sale contract according to the purchase price. One way to avoid stamp duty on a real estate transaction is by using a digital contract which is not subject to stamp duty.
NHK has an explanation of their fee system on their website in English here.
This article provides a nice summary of the most-recent Supreme Court case regarding the Broadcasting Law.