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Partnership, Marriage, and divorce


Considerations for people in a same sex relationship


Prenups are generally not used to settle financial matters in Japan since the separation of assets during marriage, and the ways to split them upon divorce is firmly established.


Separation of assets

About the risk of mixing pre-marriage assets

2021-08 thread on marital assets

Detailed explanation of how assets are normally split (in Japanese) and also here (in Japanese)

In addition, some assets gained during marriage would not be considered marital asset but are at risk to be mixed together : gift made to a specific spouse, or inheritances received by one of the spouse for example.

Alimony and child support

Japan courts have issued standard tables to calculate 'alimony' and 'child support' amounts, revised in December 2019.

Official link for the different tables (in japanese) :

Explanation for this system in english, including how to read the tables :